From a smoke and pet free household. If you are unsure of fit please find your favourite matching item lay it on a table and compare against the measurements above. If you require additional measurements before purchasing please let me know.
If stock photos are uploaded these are for styling and fit purposes and the colour may differ slightly. Please note that, although I make every effort to photograph the items accurately, lighting conditions and variations in screen resolutions may mean that the colour in the photo is not an exact reproduction of the real thing. If the exact colour is important to you, message me for more details. Items are washed and stored carefully, however it is advisable to rewash in your choice of washing detergent before wearing.All items are sent tracked giving you that extra level of security and you can nominate a safe place/neighbour via the Evri website if you are not going to be home. The item will be wrapped securely and I reuse packaging supplies whenever I can. Please note that Evri does not deliver to some addresses including Jersey and the Channel Islands. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your item please contact me and I will try to resolve any issues. If you are unhappy with your item or service please contact me before leaving feedback to allow me the opportunity to resolve any issue.
New items are added most days. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions please get in touch.